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Unlock the Power of Cloud Mining with AST.


Download the app today to experience all the benefits and features of convenient mining order management. With access to real-time data and the ability to track your mining portfolio anywhere, anytime, the Astmining app offers a convenient, simple solution for buying and managing mining plans and building your revenue.

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Easy access to Astmining's cloud computing service

Keep track of your mining information anytime, anywhere.

Sign up

Cloud mining contracts are available both in the app and on the website.

One-click mining

Effortlessly order cloud mining plans for a variety of crypto contracts.

Track your revenue

Track earnings for all contract plans with real-time and historical data for each account.

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Simple Cryptocurrency Miner

My Cloud Mining

With access to real-time data and the ability to track your mining portfolio anywhere, anytime, the Astmining app offers a convenient, simple solution for buying and managing mining plans and building your revenue.

Simple interface.

Intuitive and simple interface makes it easy for you to navigate.

Clean dashboard.

On the dashboard you can view all your historical data more intuitively.

Create an account

Start Your Free Mining.

Join cloud mining quickly, create and get your first income.

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Download Now & Get started for free.

Just create an account on our app and start your first mining.

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